
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Spirit Week

My loves!!! I have missed you all so much!! I swear this has been the busiest month of my life by far!!!! I have participated in 2 Susan Koman walks for for cure, 3 "adult" Halloween parties, a business trip out of the country and on top of all that try to make time for "fall" activities for the boys I tell ya I'm glad my husband reminds me to take a shower lol!!!

Tonight I'll look through my camera to see if I have pics of some of the things we did to share!! oh and let me tell you! with all the craziness I forgot to bring the camera to 2 major things we did for the boys a visit to a farm and Halloween yes Halloween but you best believe I'm dressing them up again tonight and pretend to trick or treat! even if I'm the one putting candy in their baskets!!!

I am not sure if I have expressed to you all how much I LOVE my son's daycare!!! But I DO!! They always do wonderful things with them and my son truly enjoys his home away from home plus Ms. Debbie is like his 3rd grandma, boy is seriously spoiled!!

The week leading up to Halloween she did spirit, week where each day of the week they dressed up as a particular theme.

Monday- Pajama Day!

Tuesday- Tacky Tourist Day!

Wednesday he stayed home with grandma :)!

Thursday- Sports Day!

Friday- Halloween! or Costume Day :)

Carlos joined in on the fun too!!

I went to the school and made "Mummy Dogs" yummy!!

I bought the croissant rolls and cut strips and wrapped it around a hot dog:)

Hope you enjoy!!! And I promise to post more often :)

love you all!!


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