
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Race for the Cure

Buenos dias mis Amores!! One day closer to the weekend WOOT WOOT!!!! For the first time in a long time my family doesn't have any major plans for the weekend; however, I think I have something cooking up my sleeve here for Saturday with the boys we shall see :).

Well last Saturday I was part of an amazing cause. The Susan Komen "Race for the Cure" breast cancer awareness race. Now let me begin by telling you I love anything that has to do with a cause but I am NOT the athletic type. I had to go purchase a pair of sneaker in order to participate in this race lol. But I am so SO glad I did. Even though the hubby had to practically carry me to the car and still did so 3 days later I loved every minute of it!! I felt I was doing something for all the women in the world.

It was such a touching moment when I saw a lady who was going through chemo sit there and cheer us on, it made every second of my 3 days of leg pain worth it!!

A few minutes in the race I tell my husband "baby we didn't bring water and I dying of thirst" I see people hovering around, so my hoodness came up and I say to the hubby "honey run see what they are giving for free" It was water! I swear I heard "HALLELUJAH" singing in my ears lol!!!

The shirts had me tears during race. Memorial shirts of beautiful women who lost their battle to breast cancer, list of names so long they had to add one to two pieces of paper to fit them all in. But the most amazing ones where the survivors those women that fought so hard for the thing we take for granted sometimes LIFE!!!!

And right before I collapsed I saw the the FINISH LINE!!!!

Now, I would have preferred some bacon and eggs but it was awesome for them to have snacks and refreshments for us to replenish our energy!

There were some pretty cool characters out there and of course I had to ask for a picture lol!!

Hope you enjoy and consider joining one of the races!! I will be participating in another walk on October 22nd this time I get to decorate a bra so I am so excited for that. So if you are in the Tampa Bay area or would like to donate or sponsor me please let me know!!!

Love you all and remember to check those TATAS!!!!!


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