
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I have found "the one"!

Happy Hump day ladies!! Hope you are having a fantastic week this far!!! Just think we are half way to the weekend!! Party Party!!!

I wanted to share with you guys this pretty amazing shampoo and conditioner that I have been using for the past couple of weeks, but before that let me tell you a little bit about my hair. God has blessed with some wonderful locks, besides my eyes it’s my favorite feature. However, I have a pretty bad oil problem. My scalp is extremely oily. I guess that's why my hair is so healthy but I swear, on a hot summer day you can fry and egg on my head! It's awful! Since my scalp is so oily I have to wash my hair every day, if not my hair starts to look flat and lifeless by 10 am the next day.
I have tried a million different shampoos/conditioner brands but I think I have finally found the one! It’s called One 'n Only Argan Oil Moisture Repair. It's a little pricey but totally worth it! You can get it at Sally's Beauty Supplies for $8.99 (with their card).

Now you might think why the hell I am using a moisturizing shampoo if my hair is oily. Well through my hair agony, I have talked to every hair stylist I can to better understand my hair and its problem; I look at them like hair whisperers’lol. I was told that my scalp produces oils because it’s too dry. Clarifying shampoos (which I was using a lot) simply strip your hair of all its oil and moisture and although if feels clean for a while the oils begin to reproduce instantly.

I have been using and loving One 'n Only Argan Oil Moisture Repair shampoo for a few week now.  What I do is wash my hair with this shampoo and then use the conditioner only on my ends. I would say from the shoulders down. My hair feels clean, soft, shiny and it had volume! YES, volume lol!! As I was writing this during my lunch hour at work I realized ya'll might want to see my hair so I took a pic with my handy dandy phone :)

Hope you enjoy and try it if you have the same issues I have :)


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