
Monday, July 9, 2012

I'm Back!!! and this time for good!!!

CHICAS!!! I'm back! Its been a while but I have decided that this blog is part of my life and as corny as it might sounds, and like I said in my very first blog, this is a place that I want my boys to come back to see what their crazy mommy was all about! I have been very torn as to what direction I want this blog to go but you know what, the best memories are made when there is no plan or direction! So without direction I will post as often as I can and see where this journey takes me! Enjoy!!

This type of post will be very random and occasional as I am not 100% comfortable in my body! Before I had the boys this chic right shere was a whopping 115 pounds, yeah baby muy sexy lol!! After the boys and a lot of wine and Hot Cheetos lol I added a few more pounds to love lol!! My body is funky, I have a heavy belly area but chicken thin legs. I am starting a healthy eating and working out regime so you guys might see the progress, that is if the wine doesn't get in the ways lol!!!

Here is a quick little outfit post of what I wore this weekend on a little shopping trip! Hope you enjoy :)

Ok I had to share this picture!!! I am not comfortable taking pictures!! Only with my phone with the duck face lol JK!! So The hubby was taking pictures and a car was coming so I freak put and ran LMAO!!! There were a lot of these running and laughing pictures but this was the one that I didn't look like a total dufus  LMAO!

Shirt: Dillards
Jeans: Westseal 
Shoes: Macy's (old)
Bag: Louis Vuitton speedy 35


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