
Monday, August 27, 2012

July shopping Ideas outfit...

Hola chicas! Hope you guys had a fabulous weekend!  This weekend my little familia stayed pretty low key since Mr. Isaac (hurricane) decided to head to Florida. We went to my friends daughter's birthday and did a our grocery shopping to be prepared just in case the hurricane headed this way which if the power were to go out we would be shit out of luck cuz I bought zero can goods lol. However, I have plenty of wine and water I guess I could trade with the neighbors :). Would you be my neighbor, you know that vino is tempting :).

I am also finishing my summer term in college so I also spent a great deal of my weekend sitting at my desk writing a paper. My culy's imprint was left on the chair, thank good I don't have Kim Kardashians culy or it would have burnt through the seat lol.

Do you recall my monthly shopping ideas? Here you will find my list. I am so proud of myself for keeping my shopping to those pieces I really wanted. Unfortunately the only thing I didn't find was the vest.. I will keep the my ojos (eyes) opened until I find it.

Here if the first outfit with 2 of the pieces on my list.

Top:Forever 21
Pants: American Eagle
Shoes: Target, yes baby $20.00
Necklace: H&M

My big boys getting in on the shot :)

My baby wouldn't dare because...

We found this bad boy in the wood. So here I am trying to be all creative with the background and we found this cool place by our home, however who would have know we would find this beast there lol. Let me tell you I have a huge mouth that is opened 9 time out of 10 and just as my husband was nagging for me to stop walking and and take the damn pic (his words) I literally stopped in my track about to eat this thing. I about shit a brick lol!

Hope you enjoy !!!


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