
Thursday, June 9, 2011


What a wonderful company!!   We make purchases every day for things that sometimes we wear once twice or never! Wouldn't it be great to make a purchase for something that will benefit a child in need?!?!

Tom is a wonderful company that has created a amazing movement called "One for One".  This company will match every shoe purchase with a new pair of shoes for a child in need. They have totally won me over, anytime kids are involved in there!

Once the my kiddies birthday's are over, which will be in July, I will be purchasing a pair for the 4 of us :) I really love the styles, especially the ones for the boys!!!

"Giving is what fuels us. Giving is our future."
                                                    - Blake Mycoskie

For Ladies

For the Men

For the boys :)

Hope you enjoy and consider purchasing a pair!!!



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