
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Thank Goodness for Humphrey's

For the past few weeks my poor baby has been going through a ton of changes. He started drinking whole milk, perfecting his walking skills (homeboy wants to go straight to running lol) and getting a mouth full of teeth. My poor baby is introducing 8 chompers to his set of pearly whites and they are coming in with a vengeance! I wish they would make their entrance one at a time like at the red carpet but unfortunately for his event they are all eager to get in at once!

 Some kids get diarrhea others get low-grade fevers but all get irritation, irritability, restlessness and inflammation of the gums. There are a few product out on the market the soothe the discomfort of teething but most, like Baby Orejel, numb and harden the gums which is a discomfortable feeling in its self.

I came across Humphrey's with my oldest son Christopher, he never fussed while giving it to him like he did when I gave him Baby Orejel so when Carlos started teething I knew which product to go straight to. He started with the palettes, which dissolve in a spoonful of water, and now he upgraded to the strips which dissolve straight on the tongue and he loves them lol. You can get these at any drugstore, grocery store and the be all of baby Babies R' Us.

Hope this helps if you have a teething baby in your hands :)


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