
Friday, September 23, 2011


Mia Amores!!! HAPPY FRIDAY!!! Hope everyone had a wonderful week and an even better weekend! I know I have been MIA for so long and I miss posting on my blog but I am at a crossroad as to what direction I want to go with my bog! I am in no way shape or form planning to make it big with this little thing I just want to have a place where I can share what Hilda (me) is all about.

My initial intent was to have something that my kids could look back on and see how their mommy was when they were growing up. A place they could see the trips we took the meals we ate and the one thing their mommy really love fashion/beauty product! As I look back at my latest post its all fashion and beauty products and nothing on my kids so I am at a place where I don't know what to do! I don't know if i should start a blog solely for the kids where its just our trips and family outing or keep it here and to a better job at balancing the 2! What do you guys think??

I am not sure but I will figure it out sooner or later at the end of the day I love my little blog and I enjoy doing it!!!

Oh and I was also thinking about starting to post little outfits i put together here and there but I gotta lose a few pounds first lmao!!! This baby weight loves me so much it refuses to leave, especially when I am a junk food junkie!!!! Hot Cheetos and a cold Coca Cola YUMMY!!! oh lord I'm salivating gotta go lol!!

Again I cant stress this enough THANK YOU ALL for the LOVE and SUPPORT!!! I am excited to share that I have had over 2,200 views in over 10 countries!!! woot woot!!!

Love you all be safe and blessed!!!!



  1. Girl just write about anything & everything! That way you can look back on this not only for your kids but for you too! Our kids of course are going to be easy to write about ;) I wish I would take the time to document mine and Kaylee's travels. Hmmm maybe I should lol! Single Mom & Daughter travel the world lol! Whatever you decide you will achieve, you are a very driven person and the world needs more people like you!

  2. I think you should keep them all on this one and balance them. I think your doing a great job!

  3. Awe thank you so much Heather!! I really appreciate your kind words!!! You should def do it its awesome!!! I enjoy it a lot! I plan on at some point printing every post and then putting in in a little folder type thing :) I know there are companies that do that i will have to search!

    thanks again love!!

  4. Thank Chelsea!! Balance is KEY!! i will get it down!! plus you know us we cant keep still we are always on the go lol!!!

    Thanks again ladies believe it or not it truly appreciate all your support it means the worlds!!!
