
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Flat Belly Fast

Ladies ladies ladies, I don't know about you but I envy any girl that I see with a flat belly especially the one that have kids in their arms. I have NEVER had a flat belly but at one time I was able to suck it in and pretend but now that I have babies I can turn blue in the face and it doesn't help.  I will be honest between work, running home to cooking dinner and getting the kids ready for bed the last thing on my mind is working out. I have the Kim Kardashian Fit In Your Jeans by Friday and let me tell you it works but really the only thing I want to fit after all that are my PJ's!

As I was searching for a miracle cream to lose 10 pounds overnight I came across this work out routine that I can do from my chair at work and it only takes 8 minutes. I did it and all kidding aside it really works, I can feel the burn! I will definitely be doing this a few times a day, I'll just tell my coworkers its a new dance for girls that don't get asked to the dance floor! So if you happen to see someone pull this off at the club you will know why lol!

Since I will be doing this in the comfort of my office I will be skipping the first 2 steps but doubling up on the last 2!

Hope you enjoy!

The Vacuum
Kneel on the floor in the table position, with your weight resting on your hands and knees (see photo). Keep your back flat. Inhale while pushing your belly out at the same time. Then exhale while pulling your stomach in. Hold for three seconds. Repeat for a minute

Power Plank
Lie face down on the floor with your legs extended, your body propped up by your forearms. Slowly lift your torso and legs so that only your forearms and the balls of your feet touch the floor (see photo). To prevent your tummy from sagging down, contract the stomach muscles. Hold for 10 seconds (it's okay if you can't hold for that long). Gradually work your way up to a minute.

Seated Crossover
 Sit up straight in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Position your arms so that your elbows are bent at 90-degree angles and are level with your shoulders. Your palms should face forward

Bring your left elbow and your right knee toward each other Return to the starting position. Repeat with the right elbow and left knee. Then alternate the moves for a minute


Captain's Chair
 Remain upright in the chair and grab both sides of the front of the seat, near your hips.

 Inhale. As you exhale, slowly lift your knees up toward your chest (b). If necessary, lean back a little in your chair, but don't arch your lower back. Hold for three seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat for a minute.

Let me know if YOU feel the burn :)!

Besitos Sexy Ladies!

**I did not write any piece of the work out routine! You can find the article here

source: good house keeping / Diet and Heath!

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