
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Current Obsession

Bracelets, bracelets and more bracelets! I am totally obsessed with the trend of stacking bracelets. I know I'm behind on the trend but I love it and I am starting now. My first stop in my bracelet collection was American Eagle Outfitters ( ).
They have beautiful bracelets and an awesome deal to get you up and stacking. If you buy 1 bracelet you get the other 50% off. The bracelets there are a bit pricey running anywhere from $7.00 to $15.00 a bracelet but they are good quality and will survive the daily wear and tear.
Now every time I go to any store my first stop is the accessories to see what cute little bracelet I find.

If you are doing this trend where are you finding your breacelets?!?!?


Monday, May 30, 2011


No its not a typo! She graduated! I am so very proud of my niece Chelsea!!! Go class of 2011... Hold up say what!!!  I was class of  2001, that just made me feel old as dirt!! Not trying to make it all about me but geez 10 years ago, YES 10 YEARS AGO I gradumacated high school!!! I better start saving for Depends im getting old lmao!

We are all so very proud of Chelsea! She has accomplished so much . She graduated top of her class and with her CNA ( Certified Nursing Assistant ), she is ready for the world! Tio and I are so proud of you baby and we know that you will be very successful in life!!!  I can't wait to see where your journey in life takes you! Just make sure that when you become a doctor  no matter how old I am when you get there I will still like shopping and makeup, so I will be eagerly waiting a shopping trip!! Wheel chair and all!

Chelsea and her parents.

Chelsea and our little family.

Chelsea and her parents, brothers and sister.


Of course I have to get a picture of the hubby and I :)

My baby boy!

Daddy and his big boy!!



Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday Fun Day!!!

Keel &Curley winery ( was hosting a 'u-pick' event this weekend. Since my in-laws were in town and I know how much my father in-law loves farming, I thought it would be a great family outing! So we packed the family in to the car and headed to Plant City to get our picking on!

When we arrived, we hitched a tractor ride that took us to the farm where we were going to begin our picking. I honestly think that the driver had a few glasses of wine because the ride was so bumpy and for a moment I thought we were going to tip over!!! Christopher loved it, go figure my boy has no fear!

Christopher is a little pro! Little man got off the tractor, and with his bucket in tow, started going to town!  He loves the outdoors and anything that comes with it! I guess he gets it from his grandpa.

Grandpa loved it as well! He was in his zone!!

And of course i'm just there for the pictures!! LMAO! My mother-in-law was getting a kick out of my take on the "perfect" attire for farming! Girls gotta look good at ALL times :)

Even Carlos Javier got his hands dirty!

The boys pickings! We now have so many blueberries that I got to come up with  ways to use them all! I guess everyone is having blueberry pancakes in the morning :)

The winery also grows grapes so I snatched a quick shot of Christopher with the little grapes! He wanted to eat those bad boys so bad.

Hope you enjoy!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Its NOT Pico de Gallo its CHIMOL!!!!

I am proud to be HONDURENA and I love our Honduran cuisine! My husband is hooked too, he loves him some baleadas (mean burrito with crema and Honduran cheese). Que Rico!!!
 A staple in Honduran cuisine is chimol. It is similar to Mexico's "Pico de Gallo" without the the spicy chili and sweetness of fruits. We typically use it with grilled meats but goes well with any meal. You can also use it as a dip with tortilla chips. YUMMY!!!

The ingredients you will need are:

1 medium size white onion
1/2 of a  green pepper
1 tomato
2 limes
a handful of cilantro
2 tsp of salt
1 tsp of cumin

Hope you enjoy!!


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Short Getaway

My girlfirend, that lives in Miami, was coming to Disney for the weekend. On the way up, she called me to tell me she and her daugther were going to be in Orlando for the weekend and that we should come join them. So of course, as spontaneous as we are we packed an over night bag and made the hour drive to Orlando. When we arrived, we decided to take the kids to Old Town Fun Spot ( to burn off some energy since they were so excited to see eachother. I couldn't believe how much energy they had! We didn't leave that place until 11:00pm and they were still wide awake! (unfortuantely I  forgot the camera in the hotel room and didnt take any pictures to share)

The next morning, we woke up bright and early and took the kids to Magic Kingdom. Oh, how I love that place! I don't think I will ever get tired of going there! It was a hot, beautiful day for the family. The stay at Magic Kindom was cut short because I had to be back home Saturday evening to help my niece get ready for her prom.

The short trip was fun! It defenitely was nice to get away from home for a short time. On the way home, our oldest son surprised us by saying "thank you for bringing me to Orlando to see Kayla, I had a great time". That made the trip so worth it!
