
Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Since we were in Puerto Rico during Easter we weren't able to get our boys Easter baskets, so on Tuesday when we returned from our trip I dropped the boys off,  jumped back in the car and went to Wally World (Wal-Mart) and got them a few things to made them a basket. I was lucky because everything was 50% off!! AWESOME!!! They loved it!

We even had an egg hunt for Christopher in the house. I hid those suckers everywhere the sofa, chairs dining room table everywhere, I didn’t want him to not have an egg hunt. I remember last year he made his Tio Gus and Tia Chelsea hide the eggs like 3 times in our back yard!  I love creating memories and I ADORE my boys!!!!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter with their loved ones!!!


1 comment:

  1. love it..these boys are so lucky to have a mom like you!!
