
Monday, May 30, 2011


No its not a typo! She graduated! I am so very proud of my niece Chelsea!!! Go class of 2011... Hold up say what!!!  I was class of  2001, that just made me feel old as dirt!! Not trying to make it all about me but geez 10 years ago, YES 10 YEARS AGO I gradumacated high school!!! I better start saving for Depends im getting old lmao!

We are all so very proud of Chelsea! She has accomplished so much . She graduated top of her class and with her CNA ( Certified Nursing Assistant ), she is ready for the world! Tio and I are so proud of you baby and we know that you will be very successful in life!!!  I can't wait to see where your journey in life takes you! Just make sure that when you become a doctor  no matter how old I am when you get there I will still like shopping and makeup, so I will be eagerly waiting a shopping trip!! Wheel chair and all!

Chelsea and her parents.

Chelsea and our little family.

Chelsea and her parents, brothers and sister.


Of course I have to get a picture of the hubby and I :)

My baby boy!

Daddy and his big boy!!



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