
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Family Vacation...

I know I have been a bit MIA, being a full time working/stay at home mom is hectic  I barely have time to breathe.

With all the chaos in our daily lives, we took a much needed break and went on a family vacation to Puerto Rico. We had an AMAZING time!!! I just want to give a huge THANK YOU to my in-laws for the wonderful hospitality.

I remember growing up, I used to dread our family vacations. My dad was that person that tried so hard to be cool, that he typically embarrassed the heck out of me no matter where we went, however, looking back now, some of my fondest memories were our family vacations. I was blessed to have travelled as much as I did with my parents.

I know once your family grows, it's harder to take family vacations, but we will attempt our best to be able to experience as much as we can with our kids and I will try my hardest not to be the embarrasing mama but I cant make promises :)

In front of "Fort San Felipe del Morro"

"El Yunque"

San Juan

The beautiful view from my in-laws backyard:)
Hope you enjoy :)


1 comment:

  1. Loved having you in our house!! I'm glad you had a good time....come back soon!!!miss you guys..Mom
