
Monday, July 25, 2011

So Fresh and so Clean!

  Hope you lovelies had a wonderful weekend!!! Since I recently went back to work I had to put my little man in daycare and that meant a welcome bug!!! Poor thing developed a cold over the weekend and had a runny nose, it was snot galore! But that didn't stop him from wrestling his 3 year old brother :). I love being a mommy of 2 boys. There's never a dull moment!

I wanted to share with you this awesome product I can not live without! Its the L'Oreal 360 Clean face cleansers. I have been using this product for a few months now and I LOVE it!

Since I have rosacea  I have to be very careful with the cleansers I use so they don't irritate my skin and cause my redness to worsen. I typically use gentle cleansers and was using Cetaphil's Gentle Cleanser, its a lotion based cleanser which  does not lather and to me it doesn't lather it doesn't clean! So I started using the L'Oreal Go 360 Clean  Deep Facial Cleanser for sensitive skin and it LATHERS!!!! lol! No more grease monkey for me this product is AMAZING!!! It comes with a scrublet so you can get to work on those pours and leave your face  feeling like a baby's bottom!!

 So if you are on the hunt for a new facial cleanser that is great and won't break the bank give it a try. You can find it at any grocery and drug stores in your area!

This is the one I use.


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