
Friday, July 29, 2011

Our precious Christopher

My baby turns 4 today!!! Wow I can't believe how fast time has flown right by me! Chris and I wanted Christopher SO BAD! When we found out we were pregnant we never imaged to be blessed with such an amazing little boy! I had a pretty tough pregnancy, to say he made an entrance is an understatement and although it was tough I would do it a million times over for him! He brings such happiness into our lives! He is caring, loving, smart, witty, funny, handsome a great big brother and an AMAZING son!
Christopher we love you with ALL of our hearts!! I cant wait to see the man you will grow up to me!

He arrived!!

Christopher's 1st Halloween


1st Thanksgiving

1st Christmas

1st Birthday!

 2nd Birthday 

He adores his daddy!

Christopher was such a good big brother from the beginning!

Proud Big Brother!!

3rd Birthday

My Handsome boy!!

Hope you enjoy!!


1 comment:

  1. Wow, I think that even almost brought tears to me. Good job baby! Our boy is growing!!!
