
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Trip To Bush Gardens

Even though I was recuperating from a tummy virus I couldn't cancel another weekend trip on the boys so we got up early Sunday and headed to Bush Gardens. Let me tell you it was hotter than David Beckham in a speedo! We where only able enjoy half of the park but the boys had so much fun!

My life! My boys!

Carlos Javier enjoying some mango!!

The Gorilla
 not Christopher he in the back lol!

Feeding flamingos

Me and the Hubby! I'm the sexy one lol!

Boys on the carousel.

Love the daddy son look!! 

Sheikra!! This is as close to it as I'm getting :).

Feeding the birds. 

Ready for the water!!!!


Enjoy!! And always remember to make time for the ones that matter the most!!!


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